anheuser-busch inbev company overview
anheuser-busch inbev is a publicly traded company (euronext: abi) based in leuven, belgium, with secondary listings on the mexico (mexbol: anb) and south africa (jse: anh) stock exchanges and with american depositary receipts on the new york stock exchange (nyse: bud). our dream is to bring people together for a better world. beer, the original social network, has been bringing people together for thousands of years. we are committed to building great brands that stand the test of time and to brewing the best beers using the finest natural ingredients. our diverse portfolio of well over 500 beer brands includes global brands budweiser?, corona? and stella artois?; multi-country brands beck’s?, castle?, castle lite?, hoegaarden? and leffe?; and local champions such as aguila?, antarctica?, bud light?, brahma?, cass?, chernigivske?, cristal?, harbin?, jupiler?, klinskoye?, michelob ultra?, modelo especial?, quilmes?, victoria?, sedrin?, sibirskaya korona? and skol?. our brewing heritage dates back more than 600 years, spanning continents and generations. from our european roots at the den hoorn brewery in leuven, belgium. to the pioneering spirit of the anheuser & co brewery in st. louis, us. to the creation of the castle brewery in south africa during the johanneurg gold rush. to bohemia, the first brewery in brazil. geographically diversified with a balanced exposure to developed and developing markets, we leverage the collective strengths of nearly 200,000 employees based in more than 50 countries worldwide. for 2018, ab inbev’s reported revenue was 54.6 billion usd (excluding jvs and associates).
百威是一家上市公司(欧洲交易所代码:abi),总部位于比利时鲁汶,在墨西哥和南非次级上市(墨西哥指数:anb;约翰内斯堡证券交易所代码:anh),并以美国存托凭证形式在纽约证券交易所第二上市(纽约证券交易所代码:bud)。百威的梦想是“携手你我,酿造更美好世界”。啤酒,作为最初的社交网络,千百年来一直让人们紧密相连。百威致力于打造出能够经受岁月锤炼的优秀啤酒品牌并采用高质量的天然原料酿造出***的啤酒。百威旗下经营的500多个啤酒品牌包括全球旗舰品牌百威啤酒、科罗娜啤酒和时代啤酒,跨国品牌贝克啤酒,城堡啤酒,castle lite,福佳啤酒和乐飞啤酒,以及本土明星品牌aguila,antarctica,bud light,brahma, cass,chernigivske,cristal,哈尔滨啤酒,jupiler,klinskoye,michelob ultra,modelo especia,quilmes,victoria,雪津啤酒,sibirskaya korona和 skol。百威的酿造传统可追溯至600多年前,横跨各大洲,并在一代代人中传承。从比利时鲁汶den hoorn 酒厂的欧洲起源,到美国圣路易斯市 anheuser & co 啤酒公司的开拓精神;从约翰内斯堡淘金热期间创建的南非城堡酿酒厂,到巴西首家酿酒厂bohemia。公司业务遍及全球50个国家和地区,拥有员工约200,000名,多元化的业务版图和在成熟及新兴市场的均衡发展,使得百威得以发挥综合优势,不断取得骄人的成绩。根据2018年统计,百威总收入达546亿美元(不包括合资企业和关联企业)。更多信息请参考百威全球官方网站www.ab-inbev.com及百威中国官方网站。